Tuesday 19 May 2015

Snaky Charmer
What do fish, snakes, cats, lions, ridgebacks, bull elephants and pelicans have in common?  They are all animals in my book.

Superpowers of the cosmos have animalistic tendencies in Jasmine Neutron STAR.  Jasmine has them too.  She is definitely a ‘fishy’ character and one to keep under your biophotonic ‘gaze’ in sequels to come.  Spirems have the unique atomic composition to transform from human form to animal in a micro-second.  It does have a draw back though.
One of these characters - Larzac - a full blooded spirem with a snake anamalic - is the topic under scrutiny in this week's episode of Reel Time.  I feel I need to warn you however.  There is nudity on offer.  NO, NOT MINE - GOOD HEAVENS!!!
No, the role of Larzac, when in his human form, goes to a dishy young buck - who incidentally, did not believe the rumor that he would have to wear his auntie’s billowing bloomers - thank you very much, Jyle, for making sure your brother Cohen wore something over his 'sensitive' regions!
To play the part of Larzac, when in his snake form, we have the slithering sensation - Nessie.  Thank you to Nessie and her dotting owner, Leo.  They all did a great job with minimal rehearsal time.  Actually, there was no rehearsal time.  There was a script.  I think Nessie ate it.   I heard she also ate the billowing bloomers.  After that, well, the best laid plans...
Enjoy, and don't forget to laugh out loudest.

Jasmine Neutron Star is the first book of the Star Ways Chronicles.  It is a novel most suitable for young adult and teenager readers of speculative, fantasy / science fiction, urban fantasy.  It is a humorous account of Jasmine’s first adventure into the world of light – Quanta.  She is a spirem – a new kind of superhero – and perfect for the sphere of Terra.

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