Monday 4 May 2015

The Magi Circle

In this week’s episode of Reel Time I have company, again.  In a cycle of every five weeks, the company, known hereafter as ‘& Co’, will be the star-lings of the show.

And as their namesake suggests, this week’s ‘& Co’ – youths (of all ages), and a generous bunch of fun-stars they are too, will fun-test all things magi-cal.

Magi are beyond doubt one of the most compelling intrigues to make their way out of ancient mysticism.  The meaning of the word magi, as with its Latin twin, magis, has a multi-talented purpose, as indicated in the reference below. 

Words are a storyteller’s tools of trade.  A novelist painstakingly chisels away to create and transfer a vision they hold.  For those in the know, that would be a –


 For those who have yet to read the book, and therefore aren’t down on magi lingo – that would be a ‘shared vision’.

Magi come with their own set of characteristic pinpoints.  Like stars on a constellation, if you join the dots you will always get self-sacrificing, enlightened, empowered and inspiring old people.  Now that is something worth a-spiralling too!

Of course magi characters have been around for a long time.  Forever and anon, whatever the culture, past, present and, why not, even into the future, magi have inspired.  Writers, artists, musicians and creators of all kind study them, understand and reinvent them and in doing so, emanate them.  Why not, after all magi usually come with stars.

Jasmine Neutron Star is the first book of the Star Ways Chronicles.  It is a novel most suitable for young adult and teenager readers of speculative, fantasy / science fiction, urban fantasy.  It is a humorous account of Jasmine’s first adventure into the world of light – Quanta.  She is a spirem – a new kind of superhero – and perfect for the sphere of Terra.

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